Lending Our Services Traveling
LOST Bus is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving others while inspiring life-changing experiences for participants
Our Mission
LOST, an acronym for Lending Our Services Traveling, establishes the basic vision of the project. We’re on a journey—rooted in service, inspired by adventure, and propelled by the hospitality of everyday Americans.
The Bus
Our 2009 Dream Machine (School Bus) with low mileage and endless opportunity once served a small town in Western Pennsylvania. We have transformed it into a livable space to lend our services while we travel.
The Crew
Josh, Davis, and Cain have devoted their time and efforts to prepare the LOST Bus for the road and have embarked on a ‘Lost’ journey—living and serving together across the country.
Stay up to date with Cain, Josh and Davis’ journey through each weekly post written by one of the three. It will be the highlight of your week, GUARANTEED.
Learn the History of LOST Bus
How to Get Involved
Our non-profit relies on donations to continue its mission. The crew practices a simple lifestyle and every dollar fuels many miles.
What are the unique needs we can help with in your local community? Be the magnet that pulls the bus to your town!