Week 49 - Raleigh Time
This week, we found ourselves in Raleigh, Davis’s hometown. It was a shorter week than usual, with various commitments pulling us in different directions for the weekend. I attended my college friend Sam Crossland's bachelor weekend, Davis took off for a wedding, and Cain returned home to prepare for his sister's upcoming wedding.
Our journey often unfolds through the connections we make along the way, as it did this week while working with Neighbor to Neighbor. This story began in Two Harbors on Minnesota's north shore, where we visited a Methodist church and struck up a conversation with Dave. After sharing our story with Dave, he suggested we head to a nearby camp the following week. We had an awesome time there, complete with experiences like receiving a Lord Farquaad haircut and an ear piercing. Dave also insisted we visit his friend’s place in West Virginia. Well, here is the thing about West Virginia, I have only been there once and I didn’t see anyone with an iPhone. That kind of threw me off but we ended up going and having a great time with his friend Ruston. Ruston, then, connected us with his friend in Raleigh, where we were headed the following week. His friend Royce runs an organization there that our good buddy Tommy Fairbairn, who lives in the Raleigh area, also recommended as a place for us to lend a hand. So it all started with the Methodist Church in Minnesota, and one connection led to another from Dave to Ruston, Ruston to Royce, and a confirmation from Tommy.
Lots of keys for Royce
We love hearing about what different organizations we work with are up to, but seeing it in action is even more inspiring. This week, we witnessed the impact of Neighbor to Neighbor's work up close. They've been mentoring youth and making a difference in their community for three decades. Neighbor to Neighbor also have their own community based businesses, a moving company and cleaning company, where they can provide opportunities to people in the community who typically would not have the chance to work for a company with above average pay. During our time there, we'd help out with to-do items for the staff during the day, and once school was out, the kids would show up. They'd play basketball, skateboard, and rollerblade – some of our favorite things to do. What stood out was how involved everyone was. Not just the volunteers, but nearly all the staff members too. They worked all day in the office and would stay to love on the kids. They'd play a lot of basketball, Uno, and Connect Four as well as giving rides to and from Neighbor to Neighbor. This culture of involvement started at the top, with Royce. Despite his many years of service (over 30!), he would change into his basketball gear and hang out with the kids every day we were there. It's clear that his dedication sets the example for the staff, who, in turn, inspire the volunteers. The kids in the neighborhood see these volunteer mentors as role models, and it creates a beautiful cycle of positive influence.

Davis has shared many stories about his hometown with us during our journey. He spent most of his childhood in Raleigh, although do not be fooled, he was born in TEXAS. One of the unique aspects of our adventure is the opportunity to explore each other's hometowns and spend time with each other's families. Cain, Davis, and I have grown super tight because we spend so much time together, and the experience of visiting hometowns helps us understand each other on a deeper level. It allows us to see where each of us came from and why we are the way we are.
During this week in Raleigh, we had a special experience – we met Davis's 8th-grade teacher, Mrs. Feldman, who now serves as the principal of Dillard Drive Magnet Middle School, where our friend Tommy Fairbairn used to teach. Mrs. Feldman invited us to the school, where we spoke to a class of 7th and 8th graders. Middle schoolers can be crazy sometimes, but this group was engaging and asked great questions. It was fun to see the GOOFY look on their faces when Davis revealed their principal had been his 8th-grade teacher years ago. While talking to the middle schoolers, we told the story of the bus and explained a few points about what we have been learning this year. Our main message to them was about taking action. We tried to encourage them to just start doing. We emphasized that volunteering offers a fantastic opportunity to explore their interests and learn new skills. Each week, as we volunteer at various places, we’ve learned valuable lessons, and we encouraged them to dive into new experiences and start doing.
Middle schoolers typically think the bus is the battle bus from Fortnite.
Our weekly adventures have been filled with amazing experiences and stories, and there's no shortage of crazy times. However, like any journey, we also encounter challenges from time to time. This week, we faced one of those challenging moments – a bus breakdown. It can be crazy sometimes because this is not just our mode of transportation, it is also our house. Davis, once again, continues to impress us with his mechanical skills and was able to diagnose the issue. After some investigation, we discovered the repair cost was more than what we had in our bank account. Throughout our journey this year, we've been incredibly blessed not to have to ask for financial assistance. Generous support has consistently appeared when we needed it most. This time was no exception. Someone we met this year had recently offered to help us financially, so we decided to take them up on their offer. We gave them a call and explained our situation, and to our surprise, they covered the entire cost of the repair. If you look at our donation page online, you’ll see a contribution from “God.” Our generous donor is not claiming to be “divine”, but acknowledging this act of kindness ultimately is because of God.
It has felt good to be back in the Carolinas. It is weird to be in a familiar place, but sweet at the same time. One sign of us returning closer to home is our favorite fast food Zaxby’s, I had it twice this weekend. Yummy!